Monday, January 13, 2014

Pipay @ 4.5 Weeks

We went to her Pedia last January 6, 2013 for her vaccine. Her height and weight was taken, and I am so happy that she is taller than last time and she gained more than a kilo. She now weighs 8.45k and she is 66cm tall. She is a healthy, active and a super cute baby. Our Pedia and her assistant even commented that she is big (and that maybe because of her genes and breastfeeding). When we calculated her percentile, she is at 97% in weight and 91% in height.

I am proud to say that my baby is exclusively breastfed and that I plan to breastfeed her until she wean on her own. Soft, solid foods will be introduced when she is 6 months. For now, I'll enjoy our breastfeeding moment. I know I'll miss these moments, when she is on my breast, feeding, smiling and making me feel more important and loved.

Aja to us, breastfeeding mothers!

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